Tuesday, September 8, 2009

This city's frigging huge

I'm in LONDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love my new digs and all is well in the world. I even have internet already set up. I promise to write more soon, but first I need to shower and shop. It's tough to unpack without any hangers.

PS - When moving to a new city with a crapload of luggage, hiring a private car is the right way to go. For sure.


  1. I'm so excited for you!!! I cannot wait to see photos! I'll keep the 'hiring a private car' thing in mind. Hope you're enjoying yourself. xox

  2. Glad you got there safely. Don't forget to keep posting, please! We want to see the pictures so far and hear about navigating the city. Have you had a first assignment yet? Who are your flat-mates? Describe your new 'digs', please. I know you are busy but don't forget your adoring public! :)
