Friday, September 25, 2009

Think positive

I have deleted my last entry. Not because I don't think it's a good thing to acknowledge fear, sadness, and vulnerability... I do. That's why I wrote it to begin with. But living here and seeing how various people respond to this city have really brought to light the importance of positive thinking.

I received an early morning phone call yesterday that granted me two more days of work. I was at another special needs school, out on the edge of the Earth (aka Zone 4 - it cost me £10 and at least 3 hours round trip each day). This school was smaller and not as well-off, and the staff, although lovely, was not quite so upbeat. The students were also much more abled.

I could tell you a million stories about them, but I'm afraid I'm much too tired. Suffice it to say that I really love this type of work. It is so rewarding. And no matter how awful these children can sometimes be (because many of them have conditions that cause them to lash out), you can't help but love them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bryn!

    I'm one of the invisible bloggers on the CCteachers blog, and I'm headin gover in oh..SIXTEEN DAYS. So I've started to read all the personal blogs to (understand that this move is for real) get to know my fellow Canadians. I'm a Secondary drama/english teacher, and am so glad to know that someone else is passionate about Performing arts as well! We should totally see a show together when I get into town.

    As for the slowness of September, in no time at all, I think you'll be saying "Man I want a day off." At the very least, you seem to have the resilience to deal with it all.

    Hey! Find me on FB: Joann Liu

    Talk to you sooooooooon
