Thursday, September 3, 2009


I'm leaving tomorrow and I'm not ready... physically or emotionally. My way of dealing with it is sitting here at the computer, not packing. How did the date sneak up on me so fast?

Ok, it's time to focus. I'm going to go for a walk and then get to work. And breathe. Must remember to breathe.


  1. I'm pretty much at the same stage as you are, just a few days earlier since I'm not leaving until Monday.
    Breathe, relax, and take it one thing at a time. Enjoy your trip!

  2. Breathe, pack, say goodbyes, get on the plane, deal with emotions while trying to sleep, arrive in London, feel overwhelmed but ridiculously excited, meet the others you feel like you already know already through blogging & facebook, go to the pub and laugh. Sleep. Just sleep.

    You're going to love London and London will love you!
    Have a safe and happy journey Bryn!
