Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Everything's coming up roses

Today's sunshine comes as a welcome contrast to last night's stormy weather. This morning, a few of us set out to see the changing of the guard, but missed it due to not being able to grab a good view through the crowd. Still, it served the purpose of getting us out and about to enjoy the lovely weather. From Buckingham Palace, we walked through the park to Piccadilly Circus, where we stopped for lunch (and found a Tim Horton's!), and then eventually wandered home. I can't believe how close we are! It couldn't have been more than a 20 minute walk back.

Anyway, once we got home, I sent off an email to my contact at the agency, just to confirm my interest and send some updated information for my file. We've all been freaking out a little, because even though we know it's still early in the school year and things will come together soon enough, it's hard being uncertain of your next paycheque. So imagine my relief when, not even 10 minutes later, I received a call from Classroom asking if they could submit my resume for two long-term positions that have just come up. Um, of course!!!

One is working in a mainstream school reception class, one-on-one with a boy who has low functioning autism. The other is in a mainstream secondary school as a TA for their performing arts program. I had gotten excited about the idea of working in a special needs school, but both of these opportunities sound awesome. Here's hoping one of them works out.

Tonight, I'm heading out to the new weekly blues night run by Blues Revolution. They've asked me to teach for them, so I'm looking forward to getting acquainted with everyone and getting a sense of the scene. Blues dancing is just beginning to pick up here, but there seems to be a very enthusiastic, willing-to-learn bunch of dancers, and that's so exciting for me. Bonus, too, that the venue is literally a 2 minute walk away. Should be fun.



    Atta girl - keeping those spirits up, and getting the CV out to 2 potentially great jobs, perfect for you & your experience.

    Fingers crossed for you,

  2. Love this blog post Bryn!

    And the Tim Hortons, what the heck! We also have Tim Horton's coffee in our flat, and a real drip coffee maker if you're interested... haha!

  3. Jodi, I'd love to see your flat and partake in your Timmy's coffee. We should make plans to hang out.

  4. O EM G! Timmie's and great timing on the job offerings, eh? YAAAAAAAAY BRYN!
