Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Just call me Sleepy

I was supposed to go dancing last night. I really wanted to, too. Instead, I fell asleep at 6 pm.

This has become a trend lately. I can barely count the number of times I've fallen asleep super early and slept for 11-15 hours at a stretch.

I'm starting to wonder what's wrong with me.

PS - My dad's photos and the story behind them are being featured on It's a nice human interest story. As part of your Remembrance today, it'd be worth taking a look.


  1. I'm the same way Bryn. I think it is because of all the walking/standing that we do!

  2. It's true that teaching and even just getting around London are exhausting, but I'm wondering if it may actually be the opposite problem for me. I'm not getting nearly as much exercise as I used to (and also not eating nearly as many vegetables). I think I need to start focusing more on being healthy.

  3. Definitely a good point. I have to make a conscious decision to eat vegetables most of the time, otherwise I just eat garbage.

  4. Most of the food I eat is healthy, but it is vegetable-deficient. Vegetables require preparation (and fridge/freezer storage space), so not having a kitchen is impacting how many of them I eat.

  5. i feel you too bryn!! but morgan and i got a gym membership yesterday (thank god, i've been missing running like crazy but have no motivation to run in the dark) and we're going tonight!! yay!! i seriously have never been so excited to go to the gym. i'm craving it.
    as for easy vegetables, i am a HUGE fan of cherry tomatoes (dont need to refrigerate or prepare), apples and oranges (same reason). but not having a kitchen is definitely a challenge. do you like v-8 juice?? that's a good way to get extra veggies in.

  6. I'm working on getting a gym membership too. I just hope I can afford it.

    V8 juice is a very good idea!!

  7. its funny because when we first moved here and looked at a gym membership we were like "£35 a month?? that's like $70CA!! no way!" and now we're like "£35 a month including pool and classes, SWEET DEAL!"
    love that i'm no longer converting pounds to CA!

  8. Funny - the opposite has happened to me. In the beginning, I was all about thinking about pounds as though they were dollars. Now that I've realized how embarrassingly underpaid I am if I think in those terms, I can't help but do the conversion.
