Sunday, April 18, 2010

When I said I wanted an adventure...

... I didn't mean for it to involve 8 days of food poisoning and a volcano.

For those of you not following on Facebook, I fell ill almost immediately upon my arrival in Shimla. I know that it was beautiful there, mostly from Nathan's pictures (poor thing was only there a day before he got sick too) and the view from our hotel room, but most of it has been left up to my imagination. I recovered just enough to make it down the mountain, only for the bug to kick in again full force. 2 doctors and a hospital trip later, I am happy to report that I am almost completely back to normal.

Then this volcano thing happened. I was grateful for it at first, since I really wasn't fit to fly out on Friday. But then I found out that the earliest I could rebook my flight was the 30th of April, and even then there are no guarantees that the volcano will have stopped by then. Clearly, a Plan B was needed.

Plan B (which is now Plan A) involves flying to Madrid on Friday. I get to stop in Jordan, which would be exciting if I could actually leave the airport. But anyhow, yay, Madrid. The plan from there was to take the train to London (via Paris)... problem being that European rail is stupid and backwards and does not do e-ticketing. I need a paper ticket, and it's kind of difficult to get my grubby little hands on one of those all the way from Delhi.

So where does that leave me? I'm not sure yet. I'm sure somehow I'll make it back to London, and in the meantime I get a bonus holiday in Spain. And an extra week in India to hang out with my man and do some of the things I couldn't do while I was sick. And I lost 12 pounds. So I suppose life could be worse.

Editorial note: I do not endorse the food poisoning diet.

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