Thursday, February 11, 2010

Just when I was starting to settle in...

I'm flying to Edmonton tomorrow morning and, as much as I'm really looking forward to seeing my dad and being surrounded by Canadian accents again, leaving is going to be hard. I've been deprived of one goodbye and am having a really difficult time with another. Nothing is going to be the same next week when I get back.

I found out after I left work today that I won't be going back to my school. Something to do with funding issues. My agency is lovely and they've already found me a new position for after the break, but... I'm heartbroken. Deeply heartbroken.

I've also recently found out that my boyfriend's being sent to India for work. He leaves Sunday and we don't know yet when he'll be back. It's looking as though he may be there for several months.

So I guess that's it. Everything in my life right now that's important to me... gone. Hopefully I'll get the rest I need over the break so that I can come back ready to start a new life. Again.


  1. Bryn I'm so sorry to hear all of this!
    Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help. I know a good travel agent if you want to fly off to India for the break. ;-)

  2. PS) This has nothing to do with your post, but I saw this and thought you might enjoy it:

  3. Bryn that is sad... I'm sorry t o hear about this folly.
