Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Confessions of a summerholic

I have a deep, dark secret to confess.

I hate winter (no, that's not the secret... everyone who's ever been within a 20 mile radius of me knows that). I hate winter and I hate snow. I have declared, on many occasions and with vehement passion, that I hope to never see snow again. It's not pretty and it's not fun; it's cold and boring and a pain in the arse. That's truly how I feel about it.

But... do you remember the way you felt the first year after you finished school, around the start of the year and then again around exam time? How it felt completely weird to not be going through that? And then you'd start hallucinating that it was actually fun to study for exams and that you missed it?

That's kind of what it's like right now for me and snow.


  1. HA! YES! i knew deep, deep down you had a soft spot for snow!!

  2. Sure... in the same way that I have a soft spot for exams.

  3. Hee! I never quite got to the point where I remembered liking exams, but overall yes. Even if I loath them, there are certain markers that indicate the passage of time. When those change, it's weird.

  4. Hey! I have a few cubic metres of the stuff you can have...
    A mild -13 in Edmonton ;-)

  5. So long as I don't need to drive in it or shovel it, I love the stuff. Winter without it is dark and dreary!
