Monday, November 30, 2009

Promises, Old and New

At the start of 2009, I made some promises to myself. They were basically resolutions, but I like promises better. Anyway, I was good about monitoring my progress for a while but then I completely forgot about it, so I think now it's time to take another look at how I've done...

I will recommit to daily exercise
I was pretty good about this for a while, but my activity level is now pathetic. Signing up for a gym membership is now top priority.

I will commit to my distance ed courses this semester and finally graduate, 8 years later, with my BA.

I will focus on what is most important to me right now: building the foundation for my career.
I've certainly done that. Next steps: finish my website and apply for PGCE programs.

I will actively seek a healthy and gratifying relationship but continue to live happily alone until I find one.
Oh yay, I'd forgotten this was a goal. Accomplished!

I will make it a priority to regularly spend quality time with quality people.
I'm spending as much quality time as possible with my boyfriend but less time with my other friends. Should fix that.

I will make it a priority to regularly spend quality time with myself.
Yes, I think I do that.

I will pay attention to the insight of the children I work with.

I will improve at money management.
Uh, sort of. I'm shopping less, anyhow.

I will improve at time management.
This isn't especially relevant to me right now, but I am still awful when it comes to procrastination.

I will attempt to document more of my life, in words and in images.
I write regularly in this blog! I also take more pictures and have done a little bit of drawing. I'd like to do more creative and philosophical work.

I will not turn down invitations just because I'm worried I won't know anyone.
I still do this.

I will allow myself to occasionally fail, so long as I get back up again.
I think so.

I will go to see live theatre whenever I can.
Aaaack, I live in London now... I have no bloody excuse! The only thing I've seen since I moved here is Billy Elliot.

I will be a better friend.
I'm in a weird place right now, on the friendship front. I'm trying desperately to stay in touch with my friends in Ottawa but it's not that easy. And I'm still in the preliminary stages of building new friendships here.

I think that's really good progress, overall. Now, as the year draws to a close, I reckon it's time to set some new promises.

20 PROMISES TO MYSELF FOR 2010 (and the rest of 2009)

1. I will obtain a gym membership and make good use of it.

2. I will finish my website.

3. I will get an action plan rolling for the next stages in my education and professional development.

4. I will be a good friend, girlfriend, and relative.

5. I will go see more live theatre, damnit!

6. I will write at least one substantial fictional piece in the next year.

7. I will post at least one reflective or philosophical blog entry per month.

8. I will challenge my mind with at least 30 minutes of puzzles or problems each week.

9. I will begin promoting myself as a swing and blues teacher to dance scenes around Europe.

10. I will choreograph a solo dance piece. All by myself.

11. I will somehow find a partner and choreograph a couples piece. Maybe even a team routine!

12. I will compete as often as possible.

13. I will continue my voice training.

14. I will work up the guts to sing on stage in front of strangers.

15. I will take one special interest course in something I've never done before.

16. I will become functional in Spanish (preferably before Christmas break ;)).

17. I will clean my living space at least once per week.

18. I will eat fruit, vegetables, and protein every day, despite my lack of a kitchen.

19. I will find a way to stop living paycheque to paycheque.

20. And finally, I will remember update my progress quarterly in this blog.