Monday, September 21, 2009

Just dance, gonna be ok...

As the days go on, with still no long term contract in sight, my confidence is beginning to wane. The jury's in, and I apparently don't have the right experience for the jobs I'd been submitted for. I'm a little perplexed by how I'm not qualified to TA for a performing arts class, seeing as I'm a performing arts teacher (and a darned good one at that), but that's what she wrote. And that concerns me, because if I can't do what I'm most qualified to do... I can't do anything. I have a one day stint lined up for next Monday (speech and language department at a secondary school), but the rest of my universe remains uncertain.

In the meantime, though, I have plenty of projects on the go:

- Starting voice lessons again soon
- Hopefully rallying some musicians together to put on a show at Proud Camden, where I can rent out hire a room for free
- Doing lots of great stuff with Blues Revolution, which I'm really excited about because they are awesome
- Rebuilding my website (no link yet 'cause it's far from finished)
- Thinking about my upcoming trip to Wales
- Registering for a doctor! Finally! I haven't had one for at least 10 years.

Plus, my mini fridge arrived today. Happiness.

I originally intended for this entry to be mostly about dance, but at this point that would make it far too long. So keep your eyes pealed for a post about dancing in London, coming soon to a blog near you.


  1. It'll work out Brynalin, don't you worry your pretty head :)

  2. i hear ya! i am sooo lucky to get a two-week position starting next week, but after that, who knows?? plus morgan doesnt have anything and 2 people living on 1 ta salary is not a great position to be in. that's really weird about you not being qualified, so frustrating!! but i'm sure something perfect will come along. everything works itself out in one way or another!
    i'm excited to hear about dancing!! let me know if you're teaching any beginner classes (and i mean like SUPER beginner haha) and maybe i'll get the guts to try. i need to google/youtube blues dancing since i have no idea what that's about, any good links?? and proud camden looks amazing!! let me know how that goes too because i'd love to see it!
    i think a few of us are going to get together for drinks this week, i'll let you know

  3. Jenna - I miss you so much.

    Amie - I'll be in touch with links via Facebook :)
